from children to children
around the world

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Musical Postcards aims at creating a positive impact on the lives of children all over the world. With these musical connections we seek to enhance their creativity and empower their sense of dignity and empathy. The beauty of Musical Postcards is that children become aware that they are part of a bigger world, full of differences and similarities, and that what they say and create is being heard and is given a place.

Join us to make this impact bigger and bigger and donate now. Contact manager Anke Spieringhs if you wish to have more information regarding what a donation entails.

Musical Postcards is an initiative of an intense transatlantic collaboration between composer and educator Jon Deak (affiliated to the New York Philharmonic) and composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven, based in the Netherlands.
Twaalfhoven's foundation La Vie sur Terre has the status of Public Benevolent Institution (PBI/ ANBI), allowing its donors to receive tax benefits in the Netherlands.

Musical Postcards thanks its benefactor in the Netherlands for setting up Musical Postcards in 2015 and 2016

Furthermore we thank the following foundations for their support in 2017
VSB fondsPrins B Cultuurfonds
janivoiona stichtingfonds 1818haarlems muziekfondslc ruigrok

Foundation La Vie sur Terre
Beulingstraat 10, 1017 BA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

"Donation Musical Postcards"
Triodos Bank:
IBAN NL43 TRIO 0198 5481 76
Chamber of Commerce: 34157022